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For the July 20-24, 2019 General Assembly in Des Moines, Iowa our congregations are invited to help create and contribute 3,000 finger labyrinths.
More on this project and where to send the completed labyrinths can be found on the Disciples Women webpage
Patterns range from crochet, to small knitted squares to larger more complex designs. Below are a few sample patterns you can use and share.
Small Prayer Square (pictured in green) smallest/quickest
created by Cathy Myers Wirt
Two color or knit/purl chalice pattern pictured in white and in black/red versions created by Cathy Myers Wirt You can reverse the K/P stitches for a different effect.
Diagonal Knit pattern from Ravelry pictured in blue
Medium knit square
created by Amber Dixon pictured in orange
Pattern using negative space
from knitting website
pictured in grey
Crochet spiral pattern
pictured in yellow/green
tutorial video available
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